What determines women's autonomy : theory and evidence

  • SafdarUllah Khan

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


This thesis introduces multilevel measures of women’s autonomy and examines its determinants within a developing country. Using a simple theoretical model, it is demonstrated that the earned income of women and the household composition (notwithstanding the family size) are the fundamental determinants of women’s autonomy at the household level. Therefore, the above two factors are considered as the valid threat options of a woman when determining her decision-making power relative to her husband in the household. This thesis also incorporates various co-determinants of women’s autonomy derived from sub-branches of sociology, demography, anthropology and household bargaining theory, which include household characteristics, individual embedded characteristics, geographic locations and cultural constraints commonly faced by women within this society.
Date of Award18 Feb 2014
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorAhmed Khalid (Supervisor), Arthur Goldsmith (Supervisor) & Gulasekaran Rajaguru (Supervisor)

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