Relational and strategic aspects of Chinese-style negotiation: Sino-Western perspectives.

  • Bee Chen Goh

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


Negotiation is an integral part of the lawyering process. Cross-cultural negotiation has now assumed increasing importance, particularly Sino-Western negotiation, as a consequence of the economic shift to the Asia-Pacfic region. Persons of Chinese ethnicity constitute substantially the population in this region.
Chinese-style negotiation is vastly different from Western-style negotiation due to the underlying cultural norms. The Chinese are a homocentric people who subscribe to the values of mutual dependence and conformity. As a result, their negotiation behaviour, essentially influenced and shaped by homocentrism, tends towards a relational style. In contrast. Westerners, who are egocentric and who cherish independence and individual creativity, tend to adopt a transactional approach in their negotiating style.
The Chinese are also a strategy-minded people. Various military strategies originating from ancient warfare have been passed down by means of folklore and proverbs to instil in the Chinese a strategic approach in the conduct of daily lives. This is made possible by the fact that the Chinese do not have a divisive view of knowledge and generally regard all knowledge as interrelated.
This Thesis seeks to explore the relational and strategic aspects of Chinese-style negotiation, in light of Sino-Westem perspectives. It is hoped that the cross-cultural insights offered will benefit our increasingly pluralistic world
Date of Award28 Sept 1996
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorPatrick Cavanagh (Supervisor)

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