Zero Suicide in Mental Healthcare: The Gold Coast Experience

K. Turner, R. Krishnaiah, J. Sveticic, C. Stapelberg

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting AbstractResearchpeer-review


Background: In 2016, the Gold Coast Mental Health and Specialist Services (GCMHSS) initiated a Suicide Prevention Strategy (SPS) based on the Zero Suicide Framework. The strategy incorporates a systems approach to suicide prevention, with an aspiration of zero suicides, workplace culture change and process as well as outcomes evaluation.

Objectives: We present the broad range of outputs and outcomes that have been achieved across the life of the SPS, including implementation milestones, evaluation challenges and achievements and cultural change.

Methods: We present the SPS implementation in line with systems approaches, simultaneous implementation of strategies, as well as quantitative approaches to evaluation of the SPS

Findings: Progress of SPS implementation is described, along with organizational cultural change, and embedding of Restorative Just Culture Principles. Significant changes in clinician behaviour are demonstrated. Challenges in the identification and coding of suicide attempts and self-harm, and quantitative results of preliminary outcomes evaluation, are presented.

Conclusions: GCMHSS has achieved most of the key actions planned within the SPS, despite significant challenges and competing demands within the service, with changes to workplace culture evident and preliminary evidence of lower rates of suicide attempt representations for those engaged in the SPS. Learnings from the evaluation of this strategy have informed planning for the next phase of implementation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)53-53
Number of pages1
JournalAustralian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
Issue numberS1
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2019


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