Yours, mine and ours: Managing IP in the third sector

Francina Cantatore, Elizabeth Spencer

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It is a well-known fact that effective intellectual property (IP) management is an important aspect of good governance. There has been little research on IP management in the third sector and the challenges faced by third sector enterprises in developing, managing and protecting their IP. This presentation explores the landscape of IP in third sector enterprises and outlines the risks and challenges in developing and managing IP. I will examine the practical and philosophical reasons why IP may be under-managed in third sector contexts. It is proposed that ‘a balanced approach can establish a common ground free of fear and ignorance and lead to productive reforms.’ In particular, this presentation considers the ways in which IP can be managed and protected in the third sector landscape.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event12th Biennial Conference of Australia and New Zealand Third Sector Research: Resilience, change and the third sector - Christchurch, New Zealand
Duration: 18 Nov 201420 Nov 2014
Conference number: 12th


Conference12th Biennial Conference of Australia and New Zealand Third Sector Research
Abbreviated titleANZTSR
Country/TerritoryNew Zealand
OtherAs it recovered from one of the most destructive earthquakes in memory, Christchurch learned about change and resilience. In the context of this widespread political and societal change, this conference asked ‘How can the ‘Third Sector’ maintain its integrity and be a force for positive change?’

The changing policy environment, increasingly complex regulatory demands, shifting funding opportunities, diverse stakeholder expectations, new technologies, emerging population and social trends, can all buffet the sector around. And how can the sector maintain its integrity and be a force for change in society?

For the first time ever in Christchurch, and only in NZ three times previously, this is the premier Australasian conference for bringing together researchers, academics, practitioners, activists, and policymakers with a shared interest in non-profit organisations, communities, Tangata Whenua / Indigenous organisations, volunteering and philanthropy. We aim to help participants make the most of the evidence available and connect the dots.

Proposals for panel sessions, workshops and papers are invited in one or more of the following three streams:

to inform and assist the work of activists and practitioners;
to inform and influence public policy;
to share the fruits of recent research and 'think-pieces'


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