Year 1 children are sedentary during school class time and can move more

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Aim: To directly observe Year 1 children’s physical activity during school class time and identify opportunities for incorporation of additional activity.
Design: Cross-sectional study.
Method: Thirty-four Year 1 children (boys: n=20, girls: n=14; mean age: 6.36±0.34 years) from one primary school in Queensland, Australia participated. A modified version of the Observational System for Recording Physical Activity in Children-Elementary was used to record the intensity of children’s physical activity, and the physical, instructional, and social context of activity. The number of intervals and percentages of total intervals observed in the different intensity levels by specific contexts were calculated.
Results: Year 1 children were sedentary for the majority (86%) of observed intervals during class time. A total of 12% and 2% of intervals were spent in light and moderate-to-vigorous activity respectively. Classroom-based physical activity (2.8%) and incidental activity (6.7%) were observed infrequently and
could be encouraged more often.
Conclusion: Year 1 children were observed engaging in predominantly sedentary academic activities during class time. Incorporating movement into academic lessons or during transitions may encourage children to be more active. Children’s incidental activity may also be promoted during class group activities. Supporting schools to identify and implement opportunities for children to be active during class time may also optimise both the health and learning outcomes of children.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2019
EventTRANSFORM 2019 Physiotherapy Conference - Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 17 Oct 201919 Oct 2019 (Book of Abstracts)


ConferenceTRANSFORM 2019 Physiotherapy Conference
Abbreviated titleAPA
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