Working with Simulated Participants in Health Professions Education: sharing best practice, tools, and frameworks

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractEducationpeer-review


Simulated Participants (also described as simulated patients or standardised patients) have long been
established in health professions education as an opportunity to create authentic learning environments and
prepare learners1
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 26 Jun 2023
EventAustralia and New Zealand Association of Health Professions Educators (ANZAHPE) Conference 2023: Turning Tides Navigating the opportunities - Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 26 Jun 202329 Jun 2023


ConferenceAustralia and New Zealand Association of Health Professions Educators (ANZAHPE) Conference 2023: Turning Tides Navigating the opportunities
CityGold Coast
OtherAfter the successes of the 2021 and 2022 virtual festivals we are pleased to welcome you back in-person for ANZAHPE 2023. Join us on the beautiful Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia as we celebrate the achievements of the first 50 years of the Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE). Recent times have seen health professional educators adapt, innovate and continue to deliver while navigating through adversity. Now, as the tides turn, we look forward to the opportunities on the horizon and the next 50 years.
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