Why Those Hoping to design CIP’s in the Pacific are in for a Ride (Part 2)

Michael B. Krakat

Research output: Contribution to journalOnline ResourceProfessional

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Nationhood demarks the legal status of being a nation, but also includes the question of national identity and independence. Statehood then means the legal status of external recognition as an independent nation at the international law level. Nation- and statehood are to connect nations to a broader legal matrix, such as to the international community of states, as well as to create demarcations toward other nations.

" Why Those Hoping to design CIP’s in the Pacific are in for a Ride (Part 2)" is an edited and abridged version of "Creating CBI programs in South Pacific small island states: The question of nationhood (Part 2)" [attached].
Original languageEnglish
JournalInvestment Migration Insider
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jun 2021


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