What makes a good general practice consultation? An exploratory pilot study with people from a low socioeconomic background

Naomi MacPherson, Binh Ta, Lauren Ball, Nilakshi Gunatillaka, Elizabeth Ann Sturgiss*

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Background: While patients from low socioeconomic (SES) backgrounds are at increased risk of developing chronic health conditions, typically managed within general practice, they report fewer positive consultation experiences with GPs than patients from higher SES groups. To our knowledge, existing research does not provide an in-depth understanding of the GP conducts that contribute to positive consultations.

Aim: To identify the factors that patients from low SES backgrounds perceive as essential for creating good consultation experiences.

Design & setting: This exploratory pilot study was performed in GP clinics in Melbourne, Australia.

Method: We used an appreciative inquiry approach, focused on positive consultation experiences, previously shown to be helpful for researching sensitive topics. Nine patients from low SES backgrounds, who reported positive consultation experiences, undertook a semi-structured qualitative interview while watching the video recording of their GP consultation. Four different GPs were captured in the recordings. Inductive thematic coding was performed by two researchers.

Results: The following four categories were developed: 1) the doctor’s demeanour and how the patient was made to feel during the consultation drove their engagement; 2) an established and collaborative therapeutic relationship was of high importance to patients; 3) a doctor’s therapeutic skillset was integral to patient confidence and comfort; and 4) patients appreciated verbal and non-verbal communication techniques. In each interview, the discussion about the video-recorded consultation often triggered reflections about previous consultations with the respective GP.

Conclusion: For patients from low SES groups, positive consultation experiences were underpinned by perceived continuity of care with a specific GP who consistently showed good communication skills and key interpersonal characteristics. This research is a small step towards increasing our understanding of the experience of individuals from low SES backgrounds in primary care and the existing health inequities within this area.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberBJGPO.2023.0160
Pages (from-to)1-11
Number of pages11
JournalBJGP Open
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024
Externally publishedYes

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