
Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherResearch

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 19 Oct 2017
EventLaw Without Lawyers: Centre for Professional Legal Education Symposium - Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 19 Oct 201719 Oct 2017


ConferenceLaw Without Lawyers
CityGold Coast
OtherIt has been predicted that emergent technologies such as artificial intelligence, ‘lawbots’, smartcontracts, automated dispute resolution services and the like will soon replace human lawyersin the delivery of some, most or even all legal services. How persuasive is this claim, and if itdoes have merit, what are the implications of ‘law without lawyers’ for the rule of law, for justice,for the community, and for law students and lawyers themselves?Bond University’s Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPLE) will investigate thesequestions in a one day symposium titled ‘Law Without Lawyers’. The symposium will explorein depth the likely impact of technological innovation on the practice of law, and theimplications – both positive and negative – of the possibility that legal services will be deliveredwithout the direct involvement of human lawyers. The symposium will include a keynoteaddress, a panel discussion and debate, and an interactive workshop.
  • The implications and consequences of law without lawyers

    James, N., Galloway, K., Walkden-Brown, J., Guihot, M., Burgess, M. & Perry-Peterson, A., 19 Oct 2017.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationResearch

    Open Access

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