Weight management strategies for those with chronic kidney disease: A consensus report from the Asia Pacific Society of Nephrology and Australia and New Zealand Society of Nephrology 2016 renal dietitians meeting

Kelly Lambert*, Jo Beer, Ruth Dumont, Katie Hewitt, Karen Manley, Anthony Meade, Karen Salamon, Katrina Campbell

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Aim: The aim of the present study was to develop a consensus report to guide dietetic management of overweight or obese individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD). 

Methods: Six statements relating to weight management in CKD guided a comprehensive review of the literature. A summary of the evidence was then presented at the renal nutrition meeting of the 2016 Asia Pacific Society of Nephrology and Australia and New Zealand Society of Nephrology. Majority agreement was defined as group agreement on a statement of between 50–74%, and consensus was considered ≥75% agreement. The recommendations were developed via a mini Delphi process. 

Results: Two statements achieved group consensus: the current guidelines used by dietitians to estimate energy requirements for overweight and obese people with CKD are not relevant and weight loss medications may be unsafe or ineffective in isolation for those with CKD. One statement achieved group agreement: Meal replacement formulas are safe and efficacious in those with CKD. No agreement was achieved on the statements of whether there is strong evidence of benefit for weight loss prior to kidney transplantation; whether traditional weight loss strategies can be used in those with CKD and if bariatric surgery in those with end stage kidney disease is feasible and effective. 

Conclusion: There is a limited evidence base to guide the dietetic management of overweight and obese individuals with CKD. Medical or surgical strategies to facilitate weight loss are not recommended in isolation and require a multidisciplinary approach with the involvement of a skilled renal dietitian.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)912-920
Number of pages9
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2018


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