Videoconferencing and Appearance-Related Anxiety’s Impact on Body Dissatisfaction: An Australian Investigation

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The pandemic resulted in increased use of videoconferencing. This study investigated whether Appearance-Related Anxiety, Videoconferencing Appearance-Focused Behaviours, and Weekly Videoconferencing Time contributed to state body dissatisfaction in 191 community Australians. Results indicated moderate to strong positive correlations between the three constructs, a weak negative correlation for weekly video time, although no correlation for total week video time. The three constructs predicted state body dissatisfaction when controlling for age and gender and Appearance Related Anxiety mediated Videoconferencing Appearance-Focused Behaviours and body dissatisfaction. The impact of videoconference communication on body dissatisfaction is discussed.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPsychological Reports
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 25 Mar 2022


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