Variations in metacarpal bone parameters during female development

Sarsha Mortimore, Emily Horan, Athanasios Raikos, Wally Wood, Christian Moro

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearch


Introduction/Aim: Advances in computer image analysis has resulted in novel techniques that can be employed to examine archival data. As part of the International Biological Programme, between 1968 to 1974 a database of skeletal development was prepared using X-rays taken of the hands from living in a coastal village in Papua New Guinea. Methods: X-ray images of left hands were taken annually over 4-5 years from juvenile females living in the Pari village near Port Moresby (1968-1974). Images were digitised with a Microtek ScanMaker 9800XL+, the second and third MTC measured (length, width and diaphyseal length) using ImageJ software and data exported to Microsoft Access. Growth data was compared using a Pearson correlation coefficient and table of critical values used for statistical testing with P<0.05 being significant (two-tailed test). Data was presented as mean±SD (cm) or Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r). Results: Annual increases in female stature between 8-17 years old and measurements were apparent in height (4.19±1.72) and weight (3.95±2.21). The 2-MTC also increased in length (0.24±0.16), width (0.04±0.03) and diaphysis-length (0.25±0.15), while the 3-MTC increased in length (0.23±0.14), width (0.04±0.04) and diaphysis-length (0.21±0.14). There were associations between anthropometric measurements and the development of the MTC. Correlations were observed (n=53) between stature, the 2-MTC (r=0.96,P<0.01) and 3-MTC length (r=0.829,P<0.01). In addition, there was significant elongation associated with height in both the 2-MTC (r=0.829,P<0.01) and 3-MTC (r=0.784,P<0.01). Conclusions A female juvenile’s height can be determined through measurements of metacarpal bone length, width and diaphysial length with an appropriate degree of accuracy, although regional differences need to be taken into consideration.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventThe Gold Coast Health and Medical Research Conference The Gold Coast Health and Medical Research Conference The Gold Coast Health and Medical Research Conference - Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 3 Dec 20164 Dec 2016


ConferenceThe Gold Coast Health and Medical Research Conference The Gold Coast Health and Medical Research Conference The Gold Coast Health and Medical Research Conference
CityGold Coast


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