Use of a load carriage assistance device for specialist police

Rob Marc Orr, P Catherine, T Hamilton, Elisa Fontenelle Dumans Canetti, Vini Simas, Danny Maupin, Ben Schram

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

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Aim: to examine the effectiveness of a load carriage assistance device (LCAD) on specialist police mobility and marksmanship.

Design: A randomized counter-balanced study.

Method: Six specialist police officers (age = 41.1±6.2 years, weight = 88.4±9.2 kg) completed 2x2 trials of a tactical course as quickly as possible with and without a Reaper™ LCAD (randomised), worn to support the load of their ballistic shield (±20 kg). Heart rate was measured via an Equivital™ harnesses and marksmanship via distance from centre of target (DCOT). Perceived LCAD impacts were measured with a visual analogue scale (VAS). Bond University Human Research Ethics Committee provided ethics approval (RO1585).

Results: No significant differences were found for heart rate (non-Reaper™=152.20±7.29 bpm; Reaper™=152.01±12.97 bpm, p=0.910) or completion time (non-Reaper™=80.46±13.98 secs, Reaper™=76.82±11.23 secs, p=0.130); although a trend towards faster times wearing the ReaperTM was found. Marksmanship was not significantly different between trials however officers lowered the shield on the ground during the non-Reaper™ trials to engage the target. The VAS results were significantly poorer (p<0.001) in non-Reaper™ (-5.58±1.93 mm) versus Reaper™ (2.88±4.90 mm) trials.

Conclusion: Officers considered the riot shield to negatively impact their performance to a lesser degree when assisted by the LCAD. The ability to support the shield on the LCAD allowed officers to maintain protection behind a riot shield.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 7 Oct 2023
EventAustralian Physiotherapy Association: INGNITE Physiotherapy Conference 2023 - Brisbane Convention Centre, Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 5 Oct 20237 Oct 2023


ConferenceAustralian Physiotherapy Association
Abbreviated titleINGNITE 2023
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