Understanding How Values Affect Consumer Ethics

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearch


Research has not fully explained the processes through which values influence consumer ethics nor
identified antecedents to the effects of values on consumer ethics. Two online surveys of US
consumers (total 1614 consumers) examine how values affect consumer ethics. Study 1 identifies
antecedents to the effects of values on consumer ethics; study 2 examines mediators of these effects.
Study 1 demonstrates that resultant self-transcendence values and resultant conservation values are
negatively (positively) related to beliefs regarding unethical (pro-social) consumer actions. Resultant
self-transcendence values are activated by individualizing moral foundations (concerns for
harm/fairness), while resultant conservation values are activated by binding moral foundations
(concerns for loyalty/authority/purity). Binding moral foundations diminish resultant selftranscendence values. Study 2 demonstrates that moral identity and dimensions of Machiavellianism
(amoral manipulation, need for control) sequentially mediate the effects of values on beliefs regarding
unethical actions; moral identity mediates the effects of values on beliefs regarding pro-social actions.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2018
EventThe 20th Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference: Connect, Engage, Transform - National Wine Centre of Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 3 Dec 20185 Dec 2018
Conference number: 20th


ConferenceThe 20th Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference
Abbreviated titleANZMAC 2018
Internet address


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