Towards the Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Non-Eutherian Mammals

Ioannis Jason Limnios, Klaus Matthaei, Margaret Delbridge, Jennifer A M Graves, Ernst Wolvetang

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In vitro models of marsupial and monotreme embryogenesis wouldprovide powerful platforms to study mammalian pluripotency andevolution. Despite several efforts, no marsupial embryonic stem(ES) cells have been established, and to our knowledge noattempts have been made to isolate monotreme ES cells. Advancesin cell reprogramming offer functional alternatives to obtainingpluripotent stem cell lines: the induction of pluripotency in somaticcells1 & 2. We are investigating methods to generate and cultureInduced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) cells from marsupials andmonotremes.This project faces two major challenges:1) Generating iPS cells in species for which ES cells have not beenpreviously isolated.2) Identifying species-specific culture conditions and methods thatmaintain pluripotency in vitro.We have begun studying the effects of over-expressing the humanreprogramming factors (Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, LIN28, Klf4 and cMyc)in human, marsupial and monotreme fibroblasts, cultured undervaried culture conditions.Here we present preliminary data from reprogramming experimentswhich suggest partial reprogramming of marsupial and monotremefibroblasts and highlights the need to empirically determine cultureconditions that support the long-term maintenance of pluripotencyin vitro.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 7 Nov 2009
Externally publishedYes
EventThe 56th Annual conference of the Genetics Society of Australasia - University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 7 Nov 20099 Nov 2009
Conference number: 56th


ConferenceThe 56th Annual conference of the Genetics Society of Australasia
Abbreviated titleGSA2009


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