Towards a unified theory of play: A case study of minecraft

James Hooper, Penny Baillie De Byl

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearchpeer-review


Researchers in the fields of game design, childhood development, learning, and
movement studies discuss the concept of play. However, the term has been frequently
redefined resulting in a divergent understanding of the concept. This paper presents a
Unified Theory of Play that aims to provide a holistic examination of the domain that will
enhance understanding of play by delivering a tripartite framework for critical analysis of
a variety of computer games. Minecraft is presented herein as a case study analysis using
the proposed framework.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventDigital Games Research Association Australia Symposium: What is Game Studies in Australia - The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 17 Jun 201417 Jun 2014


ConferenceDigital Games Research Association Australia Symposium
Abbreviated title2014 DIGRAA
Internet address


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