Time and motion analysis of the AFL field umpire

Aaron J. Coutts*, P. R J Reaburn

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29 Citations (Scopus)


The purpose of the present study was to quantify the movement patterns and work intensities of field umpires while officiating in the three-umpire system of the Australian Football League (AFL). Five umpires were randomly selected and videoed throughout five AFL-matches played at the Brisbane Cricket Ground. Each video was analysed manually for time spent in each of four movement modalities: forward, backward, sideways and stationary which were further analysed into the categories of forward sprinting, forward cruising/jogging and forward walking; backward fast/moderate and backward slow: sideways movement and stationary. The following calculations were made: a) the total time spent performing each movement modality; b) the relative contribution (%) of time spent in each activity; and c) the work to rest ratio. The relative time contribution of each movement modality was: Sprinting (1.9±0.2%), Cruising/Jogging (26.1±3.2%), Walking (21.9±3.1%), Fast/Moderate Backward (14.6±1.2%), Slow Backward (13.6±1.0%), Sideways (2.2±0.3%) and Stationary (19.7±2.7%). The average time of effort for each movement modality were found to be: Sprinting (2.2±0.4 secs), Cruising/Jogging (6.09±1.3 secs), Walking (9.9±1.1 secs), Backward Fast/Moderate (4.4±0.3 secs), Backward Slow (5.2±0. 8 secs), Sideways (1.7±0.1 secs) and Stationary (7.4±1.4 secs). The average work to rest ratio was approximately between 1:4 - 1:5. The current findings provide a detailed description of the movement patterns and work intensities of AFL field umpires which may be used in the development of training programs specific to the three-umpire system.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)132-139
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Science and Medicine in Sport
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2000
Externally publishedYes


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