The Way Forward: A strategic Plan and Position Papers Developed by a Sub-committee of the AICA National Executive May 1997

Melissa Aberline, Jacqui MacLean, Cathryn Murphy, Dolly Olesen, Jenny Tuffin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


AICA convened the Strategic Planning Committee following
the annual weekend meeting of the AlCA Executive In
October 1996. Committee members and their respective
areas of interested expertise are Melissa Aberline (Best
Practice). Jacqui Mclean (Administration). Cathryn Murphy -
Chair (Research), Dolly Olesen (Education) and Jenny Tuffin
AlCA charged the Strategic Planning Committee with the
responsibility of reviewing the current AlCA purposes and
supporting structures and processes. The Committee was
encouraged to make recommendations of appropriate
visionary change that AlCA. would recommend to the
membership. The Committee proposed the changes to
ensure the ongoing viability. efficiency and effectiveness
of AlCA.
The Committee initially met face-to-face in November
1996 and has had further telelink conferences. The
committee has tabled its final work for discussion at the
7 May 1997 meeting of the AlCA Executive. The final report
of the Committee is to be tabled at the AlCA Annual General
Meeting - 8 May 1997 .
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-20
JournalAustralian Infection Control
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 1997
Externally publishedYes


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