The Shifting Sands ofProperty LawTeaching in Australian Law Schools

Natalie Kym Skead, Penny Carruthers, Kate Galloway

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In the past 10 years we have witnessed a seismic shift in the practice of law. This shift is largely the result of the growing impact of digital technology on both the substantive content of law and the delivery of legal services. Legal education has been somewhat slow to respond. While there may have been considerable focus on integrating technology in how we teach, including an increase in the online delivery of content most commonly in the form of blended learning models, the review and revision of the substantive content of what we are teaching has lagged behind. Indeed, the first substantial review of the Priestley 11 commenced late in 2018, 26 years after their initial articulation.

In this paper we report on a longitudinal study of Property Law teaching in Australia. In doing so, we explore the changes to both the substance and mode of delivery of this prescribed area of knowledge in the past 10 years, and provide some commentary on further changes that are needed to ensure Australian law graduates are adequately equipped with relevant knowledge and skills in this important area.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jul 2019
EventAustralasian Law Academics Annual Conference 2019: 'Real' Laws in a Post-Truth World - Southern Cross University, Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 4 Jul 20195 Jul 2019


ConferenceAustralasian Law Academics Annual Conference 2019
CityGold Coast
Other‘Real’ Laws in the Post-Truth World and was chosen to engage and question emerging dialogues on ‘post-truth’ – their influence on policy and social debate, and how post-truth practices are shaping laws and how truth is and isn’t part of legal and socio-legal dialogues. We intend this theme to provoke questions on whether we should and how we might reinscribe law in post-truth spaces, whether and how laws should be deconstructed, de-centred, and de-colonised, and whether or not our diversity can unite and guide us to reimagine our collective futures.

​The Conference Committee is also proud to be hosting this year’s event as it will be the formal launch of our renamed and restructured legal academic’s association. As resolved at the 2018 ALTA AGM held during last year’s wonderful Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference at Curtin University, ALTA is being relaunched as the Australasian Law Academics Association (ALAA). This conference, the very first ALAA conference, will continue to provide a supportive environment for law academics to present papers on their areas of their scholarship in teaching and research, as well as a great place to develop networks and friendships with other legal academics within Australasia.​

On behalf of SCU’s Conference Committee, we trust all delegates will have an intellectually stimulating and enjoyable time at this year’s conference. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the beautiful southern part of the Gold Coast this July.
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