The roving scholar & the library: Extending usability testing to mobile devices & asking what students really want on them

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    At Bond University, the vision of the student body is perceived as increasingly populated by experienced digital users with expectations of seamless technology. Students anticipate their university experiences will mirror the information accessibility and immediacy of their personal lives – easily accessed, convenient and available anywhere on any device.

    In 2015, Library Services undertook usability testing on Primo and Summon discovery interfaces1. A recommendation from that research was for usability testing to be expanded to mobile devices. This paper presents findings of usability testing and interviews with students looking at the importance and effectiveness of library services delivered to students using mobile devices. In addition to replicating the usability testing on a discovery layer, it delves further into other types of library services that students perceive to be important and appropriate for mobile access.

    This study will be in two parts. Firstly, usability testing of basic search tasks using students' personal devices will be conducted. The second part will be a series of interviews with students. The interview questions will be prompted by an analysis of web traffic to the Library's website and its integrated web services such as Libguides and room bookings. Questions may also arise from the usability testing.

    A key goal of this research to ensure efforts to customise interfaces and to design services for mobile accessibility are focussed on areas of importance and value to students.

    1. Karen Joc, Peta J. Hopkins, Jessie Donaghey, and Wendy Abbott. "Two roads, one destination: a journey of discovery" VALA 2016: Libraries, Technology and the Future. Melbourne. Feb. 2016.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 13 Feb 2018
    EventVALA2018 Biennial Conference and Exhibition - Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia
    Duration: 13 Feb 201815 Feb 2018
    Conference number: 19


    ConferenceVALA2018 Biennial Conference and Exhibition
    Abbreviated titleVALA2018
    Internet address


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