The Role of Proximity Dimensions in Organisational Transgressions: Implications for Sales and Marketing

Aimee Smith, Rafi Chowdhury, Natalina Zlatevska

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearchpeer-review


Unethical behaviour in organizations imposes various risks to customers, employees, and the environment which subsequently result in scandals, lost patronage, and legal violations. In response, organizations invest in and design interventions to curb the occurrence of unethical decision making. However, due to the increase in ethical issues due to the role of technology and economic factors, it becomes integral to understand how individuals perceive ethical issues and their consequences relative to their present experience on their ethical decision making. We conduct a 144 effect-size metaanalytical review of proximity dimensions (social, temporal, spatial and hypothetical) to understand this effect. Social, temporal, and hypothetical proximity all have a significant effect on ethical decision making in organizations. Further, individuals rely on social closeness when the ethical issue involves lying (vs. does not) or does not involve financial implications. Additional analyses suggest that the effect of proximity is stronger in sales and marketing.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 4 Dec 2023
EventAustralia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2023: Marketing for Good - University of Otago, Otepoti Dunedin, New Zealand
Duration: 4 Dec 20236 Dec 2023 (ANSMAC 2023 Conference website)


ConferenceAustralia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2023
Country/TerritoryNew Zealand
CityOtepoti Dunedin
Internet address


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