The physiological effects of a five-day specialist police tactical team selection course

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Selection courses for entry into specialist police units are physiologically and psychologically demanding, designed to match the operational requirement of this job role. Selection courses typically consist of extreme physical challenges under constant individual and team pressure, often with both sleep and nutritional deprivation. In order to maximize candidate preparation, reduce the number of failures and better design selection courses, it is important to
understand not only the physical requirements of these courses but also the physical effects of participation on these courses. Greater insight into the effects of a course can enable agencies to better plan courses, provide information to potential candidates and ensure injury risk in minimized. The aim of this investigation was to examine the physiological effects of a one-week specialist tactical police selection course on candidates attempting selection.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 11 Feb 2020
Event5th International Congress on Soldiers' Physical Performance - Fairmont Le Château Frontenac, Quebec, Canada
Duration: 11 Feb 202014 Feb 2020
Conference number: 5th (Conference Program) (Book of Abstracts)


Conference5th International Congress on Soldiers' Physical Performance
Abbreviated titleICSPP
Internet address


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