The operational load carriage context of the Australian army soldier

Rob Marc Orr, Rodney R Pope, Venerina Johnston, Julia Coyle

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Military soldiers are required to carry loads as part of their occupation. These loads have led to
injuries and even mortalities on the battlefield (Orr et al., 2011). Recent evidence suggests that
the absolute loads carried by Australian Army soldiers are increasing (On* et a!., 2010). The
intent of this study was to investigate the loads can ied by Australian Regular Army soldiers on
operations and the contexts in which these loads are carried.
Load carriage data were collected through an online questionnaire from experienced Australian
Army soldiers representing Combat Arms, Combat Support Amis and Combat Service Support
Corps. Captured survey data were triangulated against open-source operational information.
Ethical approval was granted by the Australian Defence Human Research Ethics and University
of Queensland Behavioural and Social Sciences Ethical Review Committees.
A total of 301 respondent reports were collected. Grouped data revealed soldiers reportedly
carrying a mean load of 47.7 kg or 56% of respondents' mean body weight. The differences in
operational loads, both absolute and relative, carried between coips were significant with Combat
Anns Corps carrying heavier loads than Combat Service Support Coips. Female soldiers (11% of
responses) reported carrying significantly lighter absolute loads {M=26A kg) than their male
counterparts (M=39.0 kg) although no significant differences were found in relative loading
(M=43% BW, M=47% respectively). The lightest and heaviest 20% of male respondents carried
similar absolute loads resulting in a difference in relative loads that approached significance.
Coips reported performing different tasks while carrying loads. These different tasks were
associated with different loads.
The loads carried by Australian Army soldiers on operations varies between corps as do the
contexts in which these loads are carried. While some individual differences (gender and body
weight) in load carriage (absolute or relative) requirements may exist, these findings highlight the
potential benefits of task and trade specific physical employment standards.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2012
Event1st Australian Conference on Physiological and Physical Employment Standards - Canberra, Australia
Duration: 27 Nov 201228 Nov 2012
Conference number: 1st


Conference1st Australian Conference on Physiological and Physical Employment Standards


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