The not so 'borderless' internet: Does it still give rise to private international law issues?

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Since its ‘birth’ approximately 15 years ago, the World Wide Web (WWW) has been viewed as borderless, and this ‘borderlessness’ has been seen as a major problem in relation to the application of private international law rules to WWW activities. However, recent technological advances let operators of Internet facilities identify the geographical location of those they interact with, enabling them to make their content available in certain locations only. These geo-location technologies can be seen to solve many of the legal problems associated with the Internet's borderlessness.

Having outlined what features of the WWW make it borderless, having noted how current rules of private international law are ‘effect-focused’, and having discussed the technologies potentially eliminating this borderlessness, the paper examines the extent to which the Internet (particularly the WWW) still give rise to private international law issues.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Event61st Annual Australasian Law Teachers Association (ALTA) conference: Legal knowledge: Learning, communicating and doing - Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 4 Jul 20067 Jul 2006


Conference61st Annual Australasian Law Teachers Association (ALTA) conference


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