The new lawyer: Foundations of law

Jackson Walkden-Brown, Nickolas James, Rachael M Field

Research output: Book/ReportScholarly editionEducationpeer-review


This book has been written for first year Australian law students to make the transition to law not feel so overwhelming. The book addresses the law threshold learning outcomes (TLOs), and outlines what you should know, understand and be able to do after their first year of study.

Available as a full colour printed textbook with an interactive eBook code included, this title enables you to master concepts and succeed in assessment by taking the roadblocks out of self-study, with features designed to get the most out of learning.

You can expect components like expert insight videos from practitioners that help what you’re learning with real-world local cases, animations and interactivities that are embedded at the point of learning to bring course concepts to life, Concept Check questions are found throughout the text and provide instant feedback and reinforce the concepts you’re learning about in the text, and ensuring students get to have the best of both worlds, with the ability to switch between reading something tangible and studying with online (or offline!) learning resources, through the ability to search, highlight and take notes within the text for more efficient study.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMilton QLD
PublisherWiley & Sons Australia
Number of pages392
ISBN (Print)9780730363507
Publication statusPublished - 14 Sept 2018


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