The long-term effects of Stand-up Paddle Boarding: A case study

Ben Schram, Wayne A Hing, Michael Climstein

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Introduction: The association between inactivity and poor
quality of life has been well documented. A major barrier to
exercise is a perceived lack of time and lack of enjoyment
of exercise modalities. Stand up Paddle Boarding (SUP) is
an aquatic physical activity deemed easy to learn, enjoyable
with a reported multitude of both physiological and psychological
benefits. The long-term effects of participation in
SUP however are unclear.
Case presentation: Two middle-aged participants (1 male,
58 yrs and 1 female, 58 yrs) over one year after continual
SUP training. Participants were assessed for mass, Body
Composition (BIA) and aerobic fitness, trunk muscle endurance
using prone, side bridging and the Biering Sorensen
and a self-rated quality of life questionnaire (WHO QoLBREF).
Results: After 12 months, the male lost 6.8 kg (- 8.0%), decreased
his body fat by 5% (Baseline level = 27.1%-Week
52 = 23.7%), and reduced his BMI by 7.34%. The female
lost 3.7 kg (- 6.5%), had a 6.6% decrease in body fat (Baseline
level = 27.1%-Week 52 = 21.5%) and reduced her BMI
by 13.3%. Trunk muscle endurance improved by 70% overall
in the male and 147.5% overall in the female. Aerobic
fitness improved by 25.0% in the male (+ 5.5 ml/kg/min) and
42.3% in the female (+ 12.2 ml/kg/min). Self-rated quality of
life improved in the male 84.1%, 33.9%, 50.0%, and 28.6%
and in the female by 17.4%, 33.9%, 25.3% and 27.5% in
the physical, psychological, social relationships and environment
domains respectively.
Discussion: Long-term participation in SUP appears to
be associated with improvements in overall mass, body
composition, aerobic fitness, trunk muscle endurance and
self-rated quality of life. Given the documented long-term
physiological, musculoskeletal and psychological effects of
SUP and its relative ease and accessibility, it appears to be
a novel but beneficial exercise tool, which could be promoted
for its wide range of positive health and fitness effects.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
JournalInternational Journal of Sports and Exercise medicine
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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