The effects of working in custody on body composition and strength endurance in deputy sheriffs

Robert G. Lockie, Matthew R. Moreno, Karly A. Cesario , Michael Stierli, Joe Dulla, Jay Dawes, Rob Marc Orr

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

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Deputy sheriffs who have been working in custody tend to demonstrate a higher body mass index, and poorer fitness measured by strength endurance tests (push-ups and sit-ups completed in 60 seconds) compared to recruits at the end of academy training.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 9 Nov 2018
Event2013 Australian Strength and Conditioning Association International Conference on Applied Strength and Conditioning - Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 8 Nov 201310 Nov 2013


Conference2013 Australian Strength and Conditioning Association International Conference on Applied Strength and Conditioning


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