The effects of naming and shaming on treatment outcomes for sex offenders

RA Lincoln, Carol Ronken

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The notion of shaming has achieved prominence in criminological theory and
practice. A significant illustration of this for sex offenders is The Australian
Paedophile and Sex Offender Index (Coddington 1997). Many of those involved in the
treatment of sex offenders have criticised the Index and its likely effects on
rehabilitation. This pape:rlexplores the consequences of the publication on the rehabilitation of offenders, with respect to criminological notions of shame and degradation. The second aim is to utilise the Index as a database on sex off enders -
one likely to parallel the profile ofrecipients of formal treatment programs - OI_?._ a
range of variables (offender demographics, details of the offences, sentences, previous convictions and victimology). The paper concludes that the Index: has criminogenic potential; is likely to nullify the rehabilitative effects of treatment programs; and is
likely to escalate fear .of crime and the incidenc(? of false allegations.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages23
Publication statusPublished - 1999
EventVOTA 2nd National Conference on Sex Offender Programs: Successes, Dilemmas and Innovations - Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 6 May 19998 May 1999


ConferenceVOTA 2nd National Conference on Sex Offender Programs
OtherSecond National Conference of the Victorian Offender Treatment Association


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