Terminal ilial intussusception in an adult due to endometriosis

R. K.M.D.C.D. Ranaweera, S. M.K. Gamage*, D. H.B. Ubayawansa, M. M.J. Kumara

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Background: Intussusception is invagination of a proximal segment of bowel into the distal segment in telescopic manner. Although intussusception is common among children, intussusception secondary to terminal ileal endometriosis in an adult is a very rare encounter. We present such a case of intussusception in a Sri Lankan female. 

Case presentation: A 43 year old Sri Lankan female presented to the surgical casualty unit with features of a subacute intestinal obstruction. Her past surgical and medical histories were unremarkable. On examination she was haemodynamically stable with distended abdomen and there was generalized tenderness. There was no guarding or rigidity. No masses were palpable. Bowel sounds were increased. Her urine was negative for Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin hormone. Full blood count revealed an increased white blood cell count with predominant number of neutrophils. Plain abdominal X-ray film showed dilated small bowel loops with empty rectum and distal colon. Patient underwent emergency exploratory laparotomy. An annular growth at terminal ileum was noted. Proximal bowel loops were distended. There was no free fluid in the abdomen. Ileo caecal tuberculosis was suspected and right hemicolectomy was performed. Uterus and bilateral ovaries appeared normal. Post surgical recovery was uneventful. The pathologist has noted endometriosis of terminal ileum contributing to the stricture formation and intussusception at the site. Following recovery patient was referred to a Gynaecologist for management of endometriosis. 

Conclusion: Though terminal ileal endometriosis is a very rare cause of intussusception it is important to consider the possibility of it, especially when a female patient of reproductive age presents with symptoms and signs of intestinal obstruction.

Original languageEnglish
Article number239
JournalBMC Research Notes
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 26 Apr 2016
Externally publishedYes


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