Technology-supported models of nutrition care: Perspectives of health service providers

Amandine Barnett*, Jaimon T. Kelly, Charlene Wright, Katrina L. Campbell

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8 Citations (Scopus)


Objective: To determine the perspectives to the adoption, scale-up, sustainability, and spread of technology-supported models of nutrition care, in hospital and ambulatory care settings. Methods: Thirty-one health service providers participated in individual semi-structured interviews from a tertiary health service in Queensland, Australia. The Non-adoption, Abandonment, and challenges to the Scale up, Spread and Sustainability (NASSS) framework, designed to evaluate technology-supported models’ success, informed the qualitative design. Results: Key findings were that technology-supported models of care could benefit many chronic condition patient groups; dietitians are well suited to adopting this technology: and the value proposition in creating efficiency gains in the health service. However, challenges of transitioning and sustainability were identified. Perceived enablers for technology supported models of care included: previous intentions for technology supported models of care prior to the 2019 novel coronavirus pandemic; opportunity for clinicians to complete higher valued tasks; and integration of technology systems and assisted staff roles. Perceived barriers included: suitability for patients is dependent on experience and ability to use technology, varied confidence by clinicians when conducting clinical assessments; high investment required for set up and ongoing maintenance; and patients desire for adopting face-to-face care over technology. Health service providers perceived that embedding and adapting such models requires maintenance of high-quality service and continued research. Conclusions: Health service providers recognize adopting, scaling, and sustaining technology-supported models of nutrition care benefits patients, clinicians, and health services in general. Robust clinical trials and health service evaluations of technology-supported models of care, across practice settings are now needed.

Original languageEnglish
JournalDigital Health
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Externally publishedYes


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