Teaching the Bond Way: 10 ways to use eTEVALs to improve your teaching

Shelley Kinash

    Research output: Other contributionResearch

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    Student Evaluation of Courses and Teaching (SECT) is the collection, analysis, reporting and application of feedback from students about the design, facilitation and quality of the student experience. The most common means of data collection is through electronic surveys distributed near the end of the teaching semester or at the conclusion of a degree. At Bond University, this process is called eTEVAL. The full form of this abbreviation is electronic teaching evaluation. The main reason Bond University uses eTEVALs is to listen to and act upon the student voice regarding how to optimise a quality student learning experience. Through surveys, we ask students questions about their learning, engagement and overall student experience through teachers and through subjects. eTEVALs is only one way in which Bond University collects, reports and uses information for quality assurance and improvement. For example, we also use peer review of teaching and data analytics.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherOffice of Learning and Teaching, Bond University
    Number of pages11
    Publication statusPublished - 26 Jan 2015


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