Systematic Review & Meta-analysis: automation tools to help your review

Alexandra Bannach-Brown, Justin Clark

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Systematic review and meta-analysis are powerful tools to provide an unbiased overview of all available literature addressing a specific
research question. The findings from systematic reviews and meta-analyses can inform policy and decision-making as well as explore
aspects of experimental design that contribute to heterogeneity in effect size. However, systematic reviews are resource-intensive
and due to the increasing rate of publication findings are likely to be out of date when published. To improve speed and quality,
methodological innovations and automation tools have emerged to support many steps in the production of evidence syntheses. This
workshop focusses on how to perform systematic reviews and tools specific to automating parts of the review process to reduce the
time required to complete systematic reviews. The methods of conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis will be covered. A
guide to using automation tools in reviews will be demonstrated, specifically; tools to refine and perform systematic searches, tools to
help screen citations for inclusion, find full texts and assess studies, extracting data, and meta-analysis.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2018
Event16th Australian Conference on Personality & Individual Differences: Advances and Challenges in Personality and Individual Differences – Theories and Applications - Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 6 Dec 20188 Dec 2018
Conference number: 16th


Conference16th Australian Conference on Personality & Individual Differences
Abbreviated titleACPID 2018
CityGold Coast
OtherBond University's Faculty of Society & Design is pleased to host the 16th Australian Conference on Personality & Individual Differences (ACPID 2018) on the Gold Coast, Australia. Bond University last hosted the ACPID conference in 2008. The theme for 2018, a decade later, is on ' Advances and Challenges in Personality and Individual Differences – Theories and Applications '. The main objective of the conference is to share the advances and challenges you have seen (or hope to see), as researchers, postgraduate students, practising professionals, educators, administrators and creative thinkers interested in increasing our understanding of personality and individual differences and their impacts.
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