Submission to the Education, Tourism and Small Business Committee Inquiry into the Review of the Retail Shop Leases Amendment Bill 2015

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On 13 October 2015 the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice introduced the Retail Shop Leases 2015 into the Queensland Parliament. In accordance with Standing Order 131, the Bill was referred to the Education, Tourism and Small Business Committee for detailed consideration.

The Explanatory Notes state that:

The Bill provides for the amendments to the Retail Shop Leases Act 1994 following a statutory review of the Act. The Bill provides for a range of amendments:

- excluding certain leases from the operation of the Act where its application cannot be justified;
- clarifying the application of the disclosure provisions in Part 5 of the Act for key lease categories;
- enhancing protection for lessees, including prospective purchasers of retail businesses and the release from liability for assignors and their guarantors on assignment of lease where the assignor has complied with its disclosure obligation;
- providing for exclusions from lessor’s liability for compensation to the lessee for business disruption in certain circumstances;
- providing for liability as to certain legal costs related to a retail shop lease; and
- simplifying procedural requirements and clarifying the operation of various provisions.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherQueensland Parliament
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 13 Nov 2015


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