Submission to 2019 Review of the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism ADGSM

Research output: Other contributionSubmission to governmentResearch

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The Australian Government introduced the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism (ADGSM) in 2017 to ensure there is sufficient gas supply in the domestic market.
The government has brought forward the scheduled review, which will assess whether the ADGSM remains fit for purpose to deliver the desired market and investment outcomes.

This submission summarises the author’s ongoing research on the ADGSM and Australia’s potential liability under international trade and investment laws. The following paragraphs highlight arguments that will enable the DIIS to determine the appropriate structuring of the ADGSM or any successor regime from a trade and investment angle.
Original languageEnglish
TypeGovernment submission
Media of outputWeb Page
PublisherAustralian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
Number of pages8
Publication statusSubmitted - 24 Sept 2019


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