Steroid seizures and arrests soar to record highs in Australia

Terrence Goldsworthy, Laura McGillivray

Research output: Contribution to journalOnline ResourceResearch


Two new reports reveal that Australia is catching fewer steroid shipments at our borders – yet the numbers of national steroid seizures and arrests have risen to record highs.

The latest Australian Crime Commission report on organised crime in Australia, released on Wednesday, suggested the decline in what we’re stopping at our borders may be due to more steroids being made locally, as well as their availability over the internet.

It comes just after the release of another Crime Commission report, on illicit drugs in Australia. This shows that the number of detections of performance- and image-enhancing drugs at the Australian border fell by a third in 2013-2014. That’s the first decrease seen since 2004-2005.

But the number of steroid-related drug seizures and arrests continued to rise across Australia, continuing a decade-long trend.

So what is the true picture of illegal performance- and image-enhancing drug use in Australia? And where are these drugs coming from?
Original languageEnglish
JournalThe Conversation
Publication statusPublished - 21 May 2015


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