STARS - Simulation Training And Resilience in Students

Natasha Yates, Victoria A. Brazil, Shahina Braganza, Anne Spooner, Jane W Smith

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterEducation

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Purpose: To evaluate the impact of a targeted simulation-based educational intervention on medical students' resilience and self-compassion.

Methods: Two groups of undergraduate medical students in their final year of training at Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia in 2018 will be invited to voluntarily participate. The intervention group of students will attend the simulation training in the final week of their rotation, during which they will be required to manage a challenging interpersonal situation They will then participate in a group debriefing with an expert facilitator, and encouraged to use active coping strategies and reflective practice. Students will re-enter the simulation and apply what they had just learned in the debriefing.

Questionnaires exploring resilience (CD-RISC score) and self-compassion (SCS) will be completed by students in both intervention and control groups at the start and end of their rotations, and matched via student-generated codes.

Students in the intervention group will also complete the questionnaires one month later. Perceptions of impact will be further explored in qualitative interviews.

Conclusion: Results will reveal whether it is beneficial to use of simulation to encourage reflection on the non-technical skill of resilience, with careful regard to the design and debriefing of the simulation activity.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - May 2018
EventThe Harvard Macy Program for Educators in Health Professions - Joseph B. Martin Conference Center, Boston, United States
Duration: 15 May 201820 May 2018


ConferenceThe Harvard Macy Program for Educators in Health Professions
Country/TerritoryUnited States
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