Stakeholder Analysis of Water Resources Projects in Thailand

Piriya Uraiwong*, Tsunemi Watanabe

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Evaluations of a number of previous water resources projects have identified poor identification of stakeholder needs and inadequate assessment of social impact as main factors of project failure. To address these problems, there has been increased use of stakeholder analysis, a methodology for the identification and prioritization stakeholders so as to facilitate project management throughout the project life cycle. This increased use of stakeholder analysis suggests that project stakeholder management has become one of the major concerns in water resources project management. Two objectives of this study are to identify involved stakeholders in Thai water resources projects by
conducting stakeholder analysis using stakeholder management theory and to analyze the example of stakeholder management related to ethical issue. In this study, “stakeholders” refers to all individuals and groups with an interest in a given project. Stakeholder groups were identified in each phase of the project
lifecycle (planning and development, procurement and construction and operation and maintenance). Data for the study was gathered from the literature and discussions with individuals involved in water resources development projects. Results of the study enabled the identification of key stakeholder groups in a project life cycle. These results were input into a stakeholder mapping which visually displayed the relationship between stakeholder and a project. Taking an example case of the Ashio copper mine in Japan, the negative
exercise of stakeholder management can be avoided by a more thoughtful understanding of ways in which stakeholders are to cooperate with other, leave each other free, and deal fairly with each other. Co-creators approach was proposed for public project development in order to establish common ground and share stakeholder feeling. An important target for future studies is a stakeholder analysis method for identification of the risk impacting each stakeholder.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberSMS11-5587
Pages (from-to)1-12
Number of pages12
JournalInternet Journal of Society for Social Management Systems
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes


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