Sport-Related Concussion: Public Trust in a Safe Sporting System

Research output: Contribution to journalMagazine ArticleProfessional


The Federal Sports Minister recently engaged with stakeholders, calling for submissions on a National Sports Plan (NSP) as a way of increasing participation levels in sport. The consultation process was prompted by the 2017 Intergenerational Review of Australian Sport predicting a decline in adult participation rates by over 15% in 2036 if current trends continued.
Simply put, such a result would be devastating for Australia, and a call to action was needed to mitigate this potential risk. This article seeks to establish how a safe sporting system is a critical component of this call to action and how sport-related concussion has the potential to act as a barrier to increased participation rates unless collective action is taken
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)16-17
Number of pages2
JournalPlay by the Rules
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2017


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