Smart First Aid - Leading the world in 1st aid innovation: Pilot Study Report 2018

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There is growing evidence that the use of enhanced multimedia instruction in education is a key means of improving learning, skills, and outcomes, particularly for practical skills. In the health sciences, the use of mobile mixed reality has been shown to be ideal for reducing cognitive load and enhanced learning. The context of this study, is skills acquisition and familiarity in snake bite treatment. The intervention aims to assist learners through multimedia instruction using virtual reality (VR) stereoscopic video on the correct procedure and application of snake bite treatment using a Snake Bite Indicator Bandage. The VR intervention has been compared with a traditional method (paper based pamphlet) provided with the Snake Bite Indicator Bandage in line with current educational practice. A survey was administered to measure learner perceptions and post testing was conducted with a trained first aid staffer to measure skills and familiarisation from video recorded footage from the pilot intervention session. A complete usability pilot study with (n=20) participants occurred on the 16th May to test VR in enhancing confidence of end users while performing first aid, and has been completed by comparing training through VR video and a standard industry paper pamphlet.
In analysing the results, the stereoscopic VR video method had some problems and therefore a decision was made to use immersive 2D VR video which showed promise out performing the traditional method on all indicators, however the study size of (n=20) split across the interventions is under powered. Therefore, using the mean results of the usability pilot study it has been identified that a second round study should occur with an approximate sample size (~n=140) with participants to achieve greater understanding of the use of the VR intervention across two university campuses, Bond University and James Cook University in Queensland. This will also address usability issues with the proposed method outlined in the report. In this usability pilot study we aim to explore the pedagogical possibilities of a mobile stereoscopic VR video application to delivery spatial content on treating snake bite through the use of the Rescue Swag – Smart First Aid Kit - Snake Bite Indicator Bandage. The aim is to guide the user in learning and applying first aid correctly improving familiarisation with the skill and general confidence. In particular we want to answer the research question: “Can mobile stereoscopic VR video improve learner familiarisation and skills compared with traditional 2D image delivery in treating snake bite?”
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMareeba
PublisherTCB Innovations Pty Ltd
Commissioning bodyTCB Innovations Pty Ltd
Number of pages47
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jul 2018


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