Simulcast: a case study in the establishment of a virtual community of simulation practice

Benjamin Symon, Jesse Spurr, Victoria Brazil

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Virtual Communities of Practice (vCoP) is a nascent approach to professional development for simulation educators (Thoma et al., Simul Healthc. 2018;13(2):124-30). vCoPs overcome geographic barriers to accessing expertise and professional networks and may promote 'democratisation' of voices in the simulation community. However, the optimal process for creating, nurturing and joining vCoPs in healthcare simulation is not well understood. We report on the establishment of our healthcare simulation hybrid podcast/blog-Simulcast ( the conceptual framework of Wenger's three dimensions of Communities of Practice. In exploring these dimensions-joint enterprise, mutual engagement and shared repertoire-we hope to contextualise vCoP within professional development approaches for simulation faculty and invite readers to engage with our existing community.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5
JournalAdvances in Simulation
Publication statusPublished - 27 May 2020


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