Sexism in the profession: a barometer of professional ethics?

Kathrine Galloway, Melissa Castan

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationResearch

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A recent Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission report revealed that women lawyers continue to be the target of sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace. While the issue of bullying is known to be one element of the broader culture of the legal profession that is contributing to (if not causing) elevated levels of mental stress, the Victorian data indicates that women may suffer additional stressors that are systemic within the profession. We argue that ongoing sexism within the profession embodies a broader masculinist culture that is at the root of calls for change. We suggest that sexism and discrimination must be recognised along with other bullying behaviours in developing responses to support practitioner resilience and wellness. We conclude that a focus on ethical conduct is one approach that may support a cultural shift.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2014
Externally publishedYes
EventThe 2014 Wellness for Law Forum: Advancing the conversation about wellness for law - Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 6 Feb 20197 Feb 2019


ConferenceThe 2014 Wellness for Law Forum


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