'Sea-change' amenity migration and the challenge of climate change in coastal communities

Michael Raybould, Elizabeth Fredline

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearch


This paper investigates the role of coastal recreation amenities in migration in Australia where the ‘Sea-change’ phenomenon has resulted in soaring populations in some coastal communities. Rising sea-levels and weather events associated with climate change threaten the integrity of some of those recreation amenities and communities must find ways to preserve the social, cultural and economic values that have drawn people to those regions. Data were collected from 1,076 local residents in four case study locations around Australia. Analysis of the data using cluster analysis identifies four distinctly different user groups based on amenity importance ratings. There were significant differences in the proportion of each cluster group in each region and these differences were consistent with the amenity availability in the region. The paper identifies a range of amenity protection and substitution strategies for preserving coastal community values.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 10 Feb 2017
EventCAUTHE 2017 – 27th CAUTHE conference: Time for big ideas? Re-thinking the field for tomorrow - University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Duration: 7 Feb 201710 Feb 2017
Conference number: 27th


ConferenceCAUTHE 2017 – 27th CAUTHE conference
Country/TerritoryNew Zealand
OtherThe University of Otago’s Department of Tourism hosted the conference in Dunedin, New Zealand. It was attended by around 276 delegates. A total of 250 papers were submitted, with 224 presented at the conference. This was comprised of 53 full research papers and 171 working papers. In addition, 20 papers were presented in poster format as visual presentations.

Three keynote speakers presented information on the theme of emerging markets:

Professor Pauline Sheldon, University of Hawaii on Pathways Forward: Tourism for the Greater Good
Professor Brian King, Associate Dean, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on The Transformation of the Asia-Pacific Integrated Resort: Long March 2.0
Ms Lesley Immink, Tourism Export Council of New Zealand on Navigating the Future
The conference provided delegates with ample networking and social opportunities including an informal function on campus, a welcome reception at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery and the gala dinner and awards ceremony at the iconic Dunedin Town Hall.

The sponsors of the conference were publishers CABI, Cengage,Channel View, Elsevier, Goodfellow and Routledge and STR Global.
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