Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Bond: Fostering Early Career Research (Volume 1)

Kayleen Wood, Diana Knight, Shelley Kinash

    Research output: Book/ReportBookResearch

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    Director's Introduction: To be a university teacher is to build knowledge, construct a legacy of learning and apprentice others. When a university teacher integrates these three elements as a process, scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) is accomplished. SOTL means that the knowledge the university teacher builds is about teaching and learning. Examples of the research questions posed by the SOTL academic are: ‘Is there evidence that student learning is enhanced through this type of teaching approach?’ and ‘What makes learning sustainable and transferable?’ Constructing a legacy of learning for a SOTL academic means timetabled students access the teaching and also, the teaching and learning research is published in journals and books and presented at conferences. This ensures access to learning is extended and contributes to an interactive history of scholarship. SOTL also means students are considered as more than pupils or an audience. Students of learning and teaching scholars are apprentices. Their university teachers inspire them to learn and grow. Teachers mentor students to build and share knowledge and thus contribute to connected learning.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherBond University
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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