Resources: YouTube videos and the JELCKC website and archive

Patria A. Hume*, Kate Fuller, Kelly R. Sheerin, Gary Slater, Stephen C. Hollings, Timothy R. Ackland, Deborah A. Kerr, Masaharu Kagawa, Kagan J. Ducker, Ava Kerr, Justin W.L. Keogh, Duncan J. Macfarlane, Elaine C. Rush, Greg Shaw, Kristen L. MacKenzie-Shalders, Arthur D. Stewart, Stephven Kolose, Clinton O. Njoku, Helen O'Connor, Hans J. de RidderJacqueline A. Alderson, Wolfram Müller, Alisa Nana, Anna V. Lorimer

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearchpeer-review

221 Downloads (Pure)


Additional resources to support the content in Best Practice Protocols for Physique Assessment in Sport are available at the J.E. Lindsay Carter Kinanthropometry Clinic and Archive (JELCKCA) website, which links you to the YouTube channel YouTube videos include introduction of experts and their background in physique assessment, demonstration of physique assessment procedures and commentary from experts on issues related to physique assessment. The physical kinan-thropometry archive is located at the Auckland University of Technology Millennium precinct in Auckland, New Zealand.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBest Practice Protocols for Physique Assessment in Sport
EditorsPatria A. Hume, Deborah A. Kerr, Timothy R. Ackland
Place of PublicationSingapore
Number of pages27
ISBN (Electronic)9789811054181
ISBN (Print)9789811054174
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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