Resistance training improves hand and finger dexterity in essential tremor patients: A preliminary study

Justin J. Kavanagh, Graeme Sequeira, Justin W L Keogh

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearchpeer-review


Essential tremor (ET) is a common progressive neurological disorder among older adults. ET can cause considerable disability in many activities of daily living that require the dexterous use of the hands and fingers. Given that pharmacological and surgical nterventions that are used to reduce the tremor-­?related disability in ET can have adverse reactions and lose effectiveness over time, alternative therapies should be investigated. Resistance training (RT), by virtueof its ability to produce neural adaptations would appear such a candidate.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventXIXth Congress of International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology - Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 19 Jul 201221 Jul 2012


ConferenceXIXth Congress of International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology


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