Real-life reporting: Authentic journalism assessment, student motivation and active learning

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There is a substantial body of literature detailing the advantages ofexperiential and authentic learning opportunities, and evidence that theyare common within tertiary journalism education. However, researchabout practical journalism assessment is limited (Steel, Carmichael,Holmes, Kinse & Sanders, 2007). This paper uses Gulikers, Bastiaens andKirscher's (2004) Five-Point Framework for Authentic Assessment todesign a practical body of assessment for a Journalism Research Methodsclass. Although the level of support first-year journalism studentsrequired impacted on the fidelity of the exercise, students' reflections onthe experience support scholars' claims that authentic and experientialassessment opportunities increase motivation and prompt students toplay a more active role in learning.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationScholarship of Teaching and Learning @ Bond, Vol 2
EditorsK Wood, D Knight, S Kinash
Place of PublicationRobina
PublisherBond University
Number of pages12
ISBN (Print)978-1-922183-02-6
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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