RapidILL and Rapido: innovation, metrics, process

Peta J. Hopkins*

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationProfessional

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    In 2019, Bond University Library made the bold move to set "Expand Beyond the Library" as the default search scope for most of the year resulting in a significant increase in Resource Sharing requests. Find out how RapidILL and later Rapido has subsequently helped us aim for a return of increased requesting. Some analytics reports will be demonstrated to show how these changes have impacted on the nature of work for our customer services team.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 7 Oct 2021
    EventANZREG Resource Sharing Webinar - Online, Australia
    Duration: 7 Oct 20217 Oct 2021


    SeminarANZREG Resource Sharing Webinar
    Internet address


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