Rapid Fire Mini Symposium: A Brief Snapshot of Load Carriage TRU Research

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This event will outline the capabilities of the Tactical Research Unit (TRU) and showcase some if its
recent research via a rapid fire series of presentations from TRU staff and students who have conducted
research with the TRU (Higher Degree by Research students and Doctor of Physiotherapy students).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15 Oct 2019
EventBond Research Week 2019 - Bond University, Robina, Australia
Duration: 14 Oct 201918 Nov 2019
Conference number: 8th


SeminarBond Research Week 2019
OtherThe eighth annual Research Week, was held between 14-18 October 2019, and showcased the innovative research underway across its Research Centres and groups in a series of symposiums, workshops and events which were open to the public and free to attend


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