Progress in Artificial Life Life: Third Australian Conference; ACAL 2007 Gold Coast, Australia, December 4-6, 2007 Proceedings

Marcus Randall (Editor), Hussein Abbass (Editor), Janet Wiles (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportScholarly editionResearchpeer-review


Preface: The field of artificial life (Alife) is a rapidly emerging area that draws on expertise from computer science, biology, psychology, to name a few. In essence it is the study of systems related to life, its processes and evolution. These systems commonly use computer model simulations. The past decade has seen an increasing stream of scientific articles devoted to the exploration of Alife.

The Australian Conference on Artificial Life (ACAL) series is a testament
to the above. It is a biannual event that originated in 2001 as the “Inaugral
Workshop on Artificial Life” as part of the 14th Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence. ACAL 2007 received 70 quality submissions of which 34 were accepted for oral presentation in the conference. Each paper was peer reviewed
by two or three members of the Program Committee. Apart from Australian
researchers, the conference attracted participants from a number of countries
across Europe, America, Asia-Pacific and Africa.

ACAL 2007 was fortunate to have four distinguished speakers in Alife to
address the conference. They were David Abramson (Monash University), Kenneth A. De Jong (George Mason University), K.C. Tan (National University of
Singapore) and Rodney Walker (Queensland University of Technology).

The organizers wish to thank a number of people and institutions for their
support of this event and publication. Importantly we would like to acknowledge
the effort and contributions of the Program Committee members and advisory
board. Our sponsors were: The Australian Computer Society, the ARC Complex
Open Systems Research Network, Bond University, The University of New South
Wales (Australian Defence Force Academy), University of Canberra, Australian
National University and the Gold Coast City Council. Their financial and inkind support ensured the costs were minimized for attendees. Finally, the editors
must pay tribute to the team at Springer.
We hope to repeat the success of ACAL 2007 with ACAL 2009. The venue
of this event will be announced in 2008.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBerlin
Number of pages402
ISBN (Print)978-3-540-76930-9, 3-540-76930-7
Publication statusPublished - 2007

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
ISSN (Print)0302-9743


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