President’s Address - An inspiration of physiotherapists

Brian Dolan

Research output: Contribution to journalLetterProfessional


When Sarah De Biase, the then-Chair of AGILE emailed me out of the blue on behalf of the National Executive Committee and invited me to become the
Honorary President of AGILE – the first registered nurse to do so – to say I was surprised and delighted barely captures my immediate emotions. One sentence in the invitation email really stood out: ‘To have a nurse working alongside AGILE and its members in this honorary capacity would extend a clear message to our members and partners that we, as a network, stand by the absolute need for partnership and multidisciplinary working across health and care boundaries, as well as the absence of any professional protectionism, if we are to realise the aspiration of person centered care closer to home and quality of life until death’. If only for that reason, how could I say no to such an incredible honour, both personally and to my own beloved profession of nursing?
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4-4
Number of pages1
VolumeWinter 2021
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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